
互联网 2024-04-01 阅读




问题一:达成协议的英文怎么说达成协议 clinch a deal


This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.


◆达成协议:To reach an agreement

◆达成了协议:An agreement was reached

◆希望能够达成协议:Hope to be able to reach an agreement

问题三:三方共同协商,达成以下协议,英语怎么说 Discussed by all three parties and reaching an mutual agre唬ment as follows.

问题四:在平等,自愿,协商一致的基础上,达成如下协议英语怎么说啊 The following agreements are achieved on the basis of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.

问题五:谈判是一个通过妥协或达成协议,同时避免争吵的过程用英文怎么翻译 Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which promise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument.


问题六:“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说? The two parties reach an agreement after discussion/consult钉tion.

问题七:和解协议英文怎么说 Settlement Agreement


达成协议英语:reach an agreement。


1.But Michael must wait until the clock runs down, allowing the water toreachthe necessary height.但是Michael必须等到倒数结束,这样水才能达到必要的高度。

2.Now we want toreachout and get our point of view across.现在,我们希望接触外界,让大家了解我们的观点。

3.Kouchner says the European ships wouldreachthe Gulf of Aden sometime in December.库什内说,欧盟军舰可以在12月抵达亚丁湾。

4.Continue down the same road for another 2 miles until youreachthe church of Santa Maria.沿着同一条路继续走2英里直到你到达圣玛丽亚教堂。

5.Now a book is considered a bestseller when its salesreachabout 50, 000 copies.但现在一本书能卖出5万册左右就算是畅销书了。

6.This is putting greater pressure on all sides to try toreachan agreement to the nuclear standoff.这给各方施加了更大压力,要为打破核僵局试图达成一项协议。


问题一:"协商"用英语怎么说?协商 [ xié shāng ]. negotiation

词组为:consult with或 talk things over


全部释义和例句>>Agreed by both parties


全部释义和例句>>Agreed by both parties

问题三:“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说? The two parties reach an agreement after discussion/consult钉tion.

问题四:“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说 The two parties reach an agreement after discussion/consultation.

问题五:英文“经双方协商一致同意”怎么说经双协商致同意全部释义例句>>Agreed by both parties经双协商致同意全部释义例句>>Agreed by both parties

问题六:双方协商一致的英文怎么说 agree on.

问题七:经过与业主的协商英文怎么说? after negotiating with the owners

问题八:另行协商用英语怎么说呢 to consult at some other time

问题九:在平等,自愿,协商一致的基础上,达成如下协议英语怎么说啊 The following agreements are achieved on the basis of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.

问题十:如有争议,双方协商解决用英语怎么说 if any disputes occured,the two parties should settle them by negotiation.


